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Hand Reaching Out



Our services are provided Face-to-Face, via phone and through video conferencing platforms. Peak Social Work will collaborate with businesses to offer a culturally safe and responsive service.

Artist Desk

Supervising & Coaching

At Peak, we understand the professional and cultural dynamics that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander...

Image by Dylan Gillis


Peak Social Work is a small company with an eye for detail that focuses on providing an effective service...

Financial Report

Management Support

We specialise in providing a cultural lens on leadership to support managers in developing mutually respectful...

Image by Priscilla Du Preez



All counselling sessions are delivered through a yarning method in a confidential and private environment...

Image by Arun Sharma

Critical Incident Management

Critical incidents can occur suddenly within the workplace and community that may cause severe trauma to staff and...

Image by Imani

Crochet Therapy


Teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and vulnerable people to crochet in group therapy...

Are you ready to take the next step?

Peak Social work is committed to a partnership approach to achieve a shared vision and proactive outcome to influence strategic organisational initiatives. Our collaborative practice ensures that Peak Social Work works within corporate systems and shares curative information.

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