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About Peak Social Work

Muriel Wymarra

Managing Director

Muriel Wymarra is a Torres Strait Islander with a bloodline to Mululigal and Meriam Nations, born and raised in Gimuy-Walubarra Yidi lands. She has cultural connections throughout the Torres Strait and Cape York Peninsula.


Muriel has over twenty-five years of experience working in Queensland and Australian Government administration industries and not-for-profit organisations. Muriel’s work has seen her travel extensively throughout Cape York and Torres Strait, building close relationships with remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.   She has held positions in middle-level management and frontline customer operations. During this time, Muriel has mentored Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and apprentices and facilitated workplace training and professional development workshops.


Muriel is a qualified Social Worker, obtaining her Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) from James Cook University. She is currently undertaking her Doctor of Philosophy at Central Queensland University, focusing her research on understanding the concept of professional helping in Torres Strait culture. Muriel is a Jilbay Research Higher Degree Academy member in the Office of Indigenous Engagement at Central Queensland University.  She also provides her knowledge as a casual academic at James Cook University.


Muriel is an experienced counsellor, with ten years of experience working in private practice. She uses a yarning approach to connect with individuals to share their stories in a culturally safe and supportive space.


Muriel’s interests lie in crochet and has seen her covert her hobby into therapy-based groups for women and a foray into marketing crotchet products for the public.   Muriel’s focus is to help improve the health and social well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and to bring her skills and expertise to benefit people seeking her assistance.

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Nick Wymarra

Managing Director

Nick Wymarra is a descendant of the Gudang Yadhaykenu and Meriam people from the Northern Peninsula Area in Cape York and Mer Island in the Eastern Torres Straits.  Nick has over 30 years experience working in the Community Services sector and has held key roles in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health - state government, community organisations and Aboriginal Medical Services.  Nick brings with him leadership and management skills and has a depth of experience in organisational management.  Nick's focus is to improve the health outcomes for people living in regional, rural and remote communities. 

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Peak Social Work Pty Ltd is a 100% Indigenous-owned and operated business that provides employee assistance programs and therapeutic programs focusing on holistic health.


At Peak, we aim to raise the standards of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s social and emotional health and well-being. We recognise the importance of working collaboratively with individuals, community groups, government agencies and private businesses. We believe working collectively to advance the physical, social and emotional health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is paramount.


Peak values the opportunity to partner with organizations to listen with the intent to learn from each other. We believe this will provide a foundation to work respectfully towards a common goal for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and community groups. Peak demonstrates respect and understanding of the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait nations, cultural values and spiritual beliefs, guided by the outcome of a better place for humanity. Our services are delivered through a cultural lens that respects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations and language groups.


At Peak, we aim to work with all employees to find the best way to support a balance between workplace and home life. Peak encourages workers to aspire to reach professional and personal goals and explore and nurture leadership qualities. Peaks strive to connect employees with further training and professional development and support management and leaders with organisational structures and change management.


Are you ready to take the next step?

Peak Social work is committed to a partnership approach to achieve a shared vision and proactive outcome to influence strategic organisational initiatives. Our collaborative practice ensures that Peak Social Work works within corporate systems and shares curative information.

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